Phone: (360) 696-9194 | Service by Appointment, Tuesday - Saturday, 9am - 6pm, some extended hours available

Shop: 360-696-9194
Cell: 360-281-4747
Physical Address:
The Art of Hair
213 East Fourth Plain Blvd.
Vancouver, WA 98663
Mailing Address:
PO Box 61802
Vancouver, WA 98666
The Art of Hair is on the corner of C Street at Fourth Plane Blvd. 1 block east of Broadway, 4 blocks West of I-5. Parking is in the rear of the building. There are no turns allowed from Fourth Plain Blvd. onto C Street, so you must come down Broadway or D Street and go around the block via E 25th St. to access the Parking lot. We are 3 doors down from Walgreens and True Value Hardware Store at Fourth Plain and Broadway.